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Our mission at newimage prop replicas is to bring the movie magic into your home. We specialize in creating full-size movie replica Star Wars helmets and busts that are of the highest quality. Each replica is produced from a clay sculpture that is crafted with meticulous attention to detail. From the subtle nuances in the shape and curves to the intricate details, every part of our replica is designed to be as close to the original as possible. With our replicas, you can own a piece of movie history and add something truly unique to your collection.

Full size star wars darth vader helmet

Looking for an authentic addition to your movie memorabilia collection? Newimage Prop Replicas is the place to find it. We specialize in creating full-size movie prop helmets and replicas, and are particularly skilled in the art of sculpting Star Wars helmets from clay. Whatever you're looking for, we can make it happen.

Biker scout V3 Weathered Front.jpg

Check out our store page to see more movie prop replicas from Star wars and other famous movies.

We sculpt and produce many Star wars helmets from the original trilogy and expanded universe.

Darth Vader and the iconic Biker scout trooper helmet are just a few of the helmets we produce also classic movie helmets from Gladiator check out our shop for our full product line.

All our movie prop helmets and busts start with a clay sculpture and move through various processes to the finished quality piece.

All our helmets are produced from a clay sculpture and are not recast from found movie props or any other maker of helmets.

Purchase from us and you will receive an original quality artwork.

Gladiator maximus helmet full size sculpture by christopher hobson at newimage prop replic

Bring home a piece of cinematic history by adding the Gladiator Maximus full-size helmet replica to your collection.Using traditional clay sculpting methods we have produced a replica that will impress even the most discerning fan. This stunning work of art is a tribute to the iconic character and the film that brought him to life. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of history with our new sculpture.


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We are not affiliated with any other company.The items we supply are produced from handmade clay sculptures and are not official merchandise.The items we supply are produced from one of a kind clay sculptures and are not recast from other products screen used or otherwise

Joanne Hobson,Gibsons Cottage,Tundergarth,Lockerbie,DG112PS,United Kingdom

Tel : 07502128549

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